Thomas... Brilliant show brother (PP 002)! Pluto Radio fans have let us know they dig the new deal for you, and, of course I'm a huge advocate of you doing your own thing here.
The new show (Poolside Plano 003) you just did is equally as entertaining! I especially love the jam poolside with 4 Zeros Records. Must be nice to be such a talented cat! Your selection of music is spot on for Poolside Plano, as well as what I'm trying to do with Pluto Radio - love your talk about non-English bands still worth the listen in 003.. Thanks for being such a quick study. I think with clever, prolific, and of course diligent cats like you on board the station will thrive and people will learn once again how to listen to radio...! I'll get Poolside Plano 003 up by the end of the week.
TRULY... Thomas, I can't say enough good things about your involvement. Thanks again from the great American desert... And, of course thank Emma for keeping you in line. Lee-