Beat Magazine Interviews Cat McLean!
Beat* How did you get into the music scene?
I started touring at a very young age. When I was 14 when I would dress up in my mom’s clothes and try to make myself look 21 to go out and play at the local bar in Oregon where my guitar teacher would play, and I would sit in. When I came here to the Bay Area, I worked at a studio that everyone recorded at, including Prince. I auditioned to get free time so I could get a deal. I recorded 2 albums of very original music. Too original for anyone to pick up at the time :-) I've spent my life in the studio, and met many great musicians that way.
Beat* Does your Audience inspire you and do you like to interact with them?
Oh yeah baby! They can be so awesome, you don't ever want to stop. I did a gig at a bar playing solo, and people kept coming in. I didn't want to stop. I played 4 hours straight, and they still wanted more, so I kept going. I love that!
Beat* Do you have a record label?
I have had development deals that never followed through with me. They always wanted me to be in all-girl groups dancing and singing, with no writing. It made me sick to think about doing it. So I started my own label with my business partner and bandmate called “Catapult” which turned into "Catastrophe Music" . I release all of my own music now.
Beat* Any last words?
I want to thank everyone for listening. I always love to hear from fans, and I answer all my messages even if it takes a while to get to them. So please, come join my public page @ Facebook or any other one of my sites. I would love to hear from you!
Thank you so much Richard for this interview. I hope 2011 is going to be a great year for the new "Beat Magazine" and for everyone out there:-) I will be releasing my new CD, hitting it hard with my new band, and new songs. I am so excited about all the new music that I’m working on, and I hope everyone will be too:-) Love you:-) xoxoxo
Read the full-length interview at: