Quote from BUZZ MAGAZINE "Lee Negin is a spiritual person. He left Amercia over 20 years ago. Climbing mountains and living in places like Japan and Poland, Lee is now a professor in Seoul Korea. He is also in the tops of music charts around the world for his digital orchestrations. Lee sees something we don’t. A music label asked to re-release some of Lee’s music from when he first made a mark on the electronic music scene, and now...in a time where mental health is on everyone’s minds, the legacy of Lee’s thought-provoking sounds and the provacative artwork of Red Hawk SODA serve as high-art templates for concentration and focus. Created to evoke concentration. His new record HUNGRY GHOSTS is coming out this Febuary. Considered ultra-art, or future art, the digital journeys of Lee’s music have been recognized the world over. He is listed in The International Discography of the New Wave."