Saturday, October 16, 2010

THE GRAND ASTORIA on Pluto Radio....!

Saint PetersburgRussian Federation (2009 – present)
The name of this band - The Grand Astoria - comes from a famous hotel in their hometown of Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, built in 1912 and then renovated in 1991. Those dates alone give us a snapshot of the building’s cultural significance. As one of the city’s most famous hotels, it was designed as a final expression of pre-Soviet grandeur, and would - decades later - benefit almost immediately from an huge injection of post-Soviet wealth. In between these two dates and events, one of the world’s most powerful and restrictive regimes both rose and fell. Somehow the Astoria kept standing.  (as complied on the band's webpage.

I love to add Euro bands and vibe into the mix here at Pluto Radio and the Russian Federation produces some really amazing bands.... Yes, THE GRAND ASTORIA deserves to be heard...! (LEE-