an EMAIL sent to Pluto Radio from Lord Zigmard of Luxembourg.
"Dear Stalker Kimmy. We understand Lee is a conspiracy nut when not working at Pluto Radio, but it seems that your country's government is attempting to take over the internet in the interest of telling everyone what, and how they should think. This is sad, because once your leaders begin to deal with freedom ideas on the internet they will be telling us all what to think in the interest of making us all "better citizens of the world". Why? The internet works, don't fix it - besides, if my neighbor wants to think about humping his stuffed Barney doll who am I to bother stopping that - I thought you Americans were all about thinking in the free world! - where the fuck is Oprah on this?!! I have to agree with Crisman that this will only hasten a new world dominance which will oppress the individual, and, it will oppress all expression of the individual. Once the Americans do it the other great countries will follow. I realize Crisman has vowed not to become political on your station. But what do you think about internet censorship? I think it's crazy - it will just hand control of our computers to the same zeros that intend to make us all sex slaves to next years fashion, American Idol, and Justin Beiber. WTF!?? Thank god for Pluto Radio!"
Vita Zane, Lord Zigmard of Luxembourg.
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Lord Zigmard's email is relevant for the times in which we are living in... I have passed his question along to Kimmy and hope to audio post her response on the stream within the week.
My best from the great American desert.