Monday, September 2, 2013

Owen Temple on Pluto Radio ..

North America is many different places. Of course, there are different states and different provinces, but that’s not really where the big differences happen. The really fundamental distinctions happen between the different regions.
Photo of Owen Temple
One great thing about my job is I get to travel. Mostly on the highways, and frequently from one end of the country to the other. When I get to see how the different regions fit together, how they unroll from end to end, that’s the most interesting travel. Occasionally, if the booking agent is sadistic enough (or optimistic enough?), I get to see three or four different regions in three or four days.
I’ve been traveling, playing gigs, and making records for twelve years. The place where this started for me was Austin, playing at a dark wooden barroom downtown called O Henry’s Back Forty (now the site of the downtown Hilton). I’ve worked different jobs, lived in Houston, Dallas, New York, and Madison, Wisconsin, and made good friends in all those places.
A fellow traveler and songwriter, Brian Rung,  (per Mr. Temple's website..