Saturday, February 26, 2011

SKUNK APE - Southernindustrialalcoholaggression ~ Join The Hunt!

Deep in the Florida swamps lurks a beast of unimaginable force and ferocity...those that have seen it and survived called it the SkunkApe. Blending brute force and melodic aggression SkunkApe dominates the presence of sound as you know it. Grooves deeper than the Lousiana basin, bass bigger than Fat Albert and riffage from the apocolypse come together to form.…..Southern Groove Core!!

A culmination of influences that represents a truly distinct sound. Metal, funk and southernindustrialalcoholaggression blend to kick your ass like that dude in high school!

So stay alert and catch a glimpse of the beast! JOIN THE HUNT (as compiled from the bands website).
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